• biografia ludovico maria gilberti 01
  • biografia luca maria venturi 01
  • biografia carlo franza
  • biografia Eraldo Di Vita
  • biografia luca maria venturi 02
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 02
  • biografia Eraldo Di Vita Pier Franco Bertazzini
  • biografia  luca maria venturi 03
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 03
  • biografia  luca maria venturi 04
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 04


    «I’m the the main theme of my work, my time, my soul, my story, my love, my pain.
    This is my way of seeing and interpreting the world and also of shooting other artists’s artworks who I meet in my journey.
    Everything is represented through my filter. A filter that is always influenced by my sensations, that never is a pure representation of reality!» [Ludovico Maria Gilberti] ./..

    «Gilberti first developed a love for photography in his university days, when he used to paint with oil colours, while also cultivating an interest in black and white photographs and their development. At this time he felt an irresistible attraction for the first SLR reflex cameras, as well as home-made development and printing. This was a must for all members of his generation, who had been influenced by the momentous impact of Antonioni’s film Blow Up from 1966, which is responsible for the huge popularity of creative and experimental photography in those years.» [Luca Maria Venturi] ./..

    «These are art photographs. Fluctuating figures caught like vanishing ghosts between the sky and sea – shadows disappearing into the earth. These images exist in a precarious balance that captures a present that has already passed. A moment that no longer exists. The symbol of an ever-changing reality. Ludovico Maria Gilberti’s pictures serve as metaphors conveying a philosophical meaning. Sea, water and earth: the whole of existence in movement. And those intentionally blurred images are connected to this meaning. They are worn out in a way that alludes to the movement of all things.» [Carlo Franza] ./..

    «This poet of photography always seeks to grasp the moment in which the camera will act as a natural gaze, seeing things ‘differently’ from how we would expect them to appear. He states this clearly, with a style close to the freedom of contemporary art. Gilberti’s reality ultimately becomes ‘magical realism’: his landscapes give the impression of being metaphysical spaces, always marked by a strongly romantic feel. His work is characterized by a particularly prominent and personal expressive language, in which cultural memory and Mediterranean art are always present, even when the architectures portrayed lie beyond our own territory.» [Eraldo Di Vita] ./..

    «Gilberti was struck by the introduction of the digital technique, which removed alchemy and chemistry from photography. The artist experimented with the new technological formula as a way of combining his love of painting with that of photography. Gilberti does not touch up his pictures on the computer, but carries out his experimental research en plein air, creating his works through timing, diaphragms and the various technological features with which cameras are equipped nowadays. His Canon is his brush and the digital image his canvas.» [Luca Maria Venturi] ./..

    «I chose to move away from the pain daily shown us by the media to catch our mind, I chose to search rediscovering the excitement given by the vision and positive representation of reality views with new filters and reproduced images.» [Ludovico Maria Gilberti] ./..

    «I might recall Olivo Barbieri, a great photographer, and his views of Monza, as well as New York: aerial views, with spaces and things shown from above, from an inverted perspective. Gilberti does not take aerial photographs, but offers us a view of contemporary New York from below – a monumental view [...] I believe I can confidently state that Gilberti by now is an established star.» [Pier Franco Bertazzini]

    «[...] It is the synthesis between a reporter’s gaze and a surrealist spirit that gives rise to his poetry: an operation ‘of the mind, the eyes, and the heart.» [Eraldo Di Vita] ./..

    «Gilberti is equally capable of exploring the urban madness of New York, the cities of old Europe, the tides of the Indian Ocean, and Kenya – with its savannah and chaotic, unregulated slums – as an engaged and attentive artist. He is not interested in being a travel photographer and smuggler of feelings. He rather betrays an effort to develop a close understanding of the people and scenes he portrays. His works not only convey information, but possess the emotional quality and colours of artworks.» [Luca Maria Venturi] ./..

    «My work represents a symbolism and a modern impressionism, that, using new technological and advanced tools, presents contemporary and unusual images. I follow the evolution of a society that increasingly fails to comply and allows itself to be conditioned by a unobjective information, that manipolates us, in sneakey forms, that bypassing our natural defenses do not allow us to stop and to analyze openly what surrounds us.» [Ludovico Maria Gilberti] ./..

    «Ludovico Maria Gilberti is a painstaking photographer, author, artist and witness to humanity through images. His photographs are neither documents nor travel impressions, but a genuinely creative and inspired form of painting.» [Luca Maria Venturi] ./..

    «I live through images, the world lives through images, through images I awaken emotions. My photos are society’s visual evolution, through my emotional and spiritual vision of the events, and the everyday reality. Through my “brush camera”, my images sensitize the viewer causing emotions, awakening dormant feelings, hidden and left unhearded for too long, distracted by the frenetic daily rhythms » [Ludovico Maria Gilberti]
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 01
  • biografia luca maria venturi 01
  • biografia carlo franza
  • biografia Eraldo Di Vita
  • biografia luca maria venturi 02
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 02
  • biografia Eraldo Di Vita Pier Franco Bertazzini
  • biografia  luca maria venturi 03
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 03
  • biografia  luca maria venturi 04
  • biografia ludovico maria gilberti 04
